In order to fulfill the provisions of Article 49 paragraph (1) and Article 51 paragraph (1) of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020 concerning the Plan and the Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Company ("POJK 15/2020"), the Board of Directors of the Company hereby announce the Summary of Minutes of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("Meeting") as follows:
A. The Meeting of the Company has been held on: Day/Date : Wednesday/July 20, 2022; Time : 10.06’’ BBWI - 10.57’ BBWI; Place : Aston Pluit Hotel and Residence, Gondangdia and Cikini Meeting Room Jl. Pluit Selatan No. 1, North Jakarta 14450, Indonesia.
B. Agenda of the Meeting are as follows: 1. Approval and ratification of the Annual Report for the financial year ended December 31, 2021, which consists of: a. Report on the management of the Company by the Board of Directors and the Report on the supervision of the Company by the Board of Commissioners for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021; b. Financial Statements and ratification of the balance sheet as well as the calculation of profit and loss for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021 as well as granting and release and full acquittal (acquit et de charge) to all members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the management and supervision actions they have taken for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021. 2. Determination of the Company's profit and loss for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021. 3. Determination of the amount of salary and other benefits for members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company. 4. Appointment of Public Accountant who will audit the Company's financial statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2022. 5. Approval of changes in the use of proceeds from the Public Offering of shares.
C. The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors the Company present at this Meeting are as follows:
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Independent Commissioner : Mr. WELLY.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Director : Mr. JOHAN ROSE; Director : Mr. TREDDY SUSANTO.
D. Based on the attendance list of the shareholders of the Meeting, the recorded number of shares present or represented in the Meeting is 500.012.100 shares, which constitute 60% from the total amount of shares that have been issued by the Company, which have valid voting rights as required by the Company's articles of association and POJK 15/2020.
E. The Company has provided opportunities for the shareholders and the proxy of shareholders to raised questions and/or provide opinions prior to the adoption of resolution for each agenda item of the Meeting.
F. In the Meeting, there were no shareholders or proxy of shareholders who raised questions and/or provided opinions regarding each agenda item of the Meeting.
G. The mechanism of adopting resolution of Meeting:
1. The mechanism of adopting resolution of Meeting was conducted in amicable manner. If no amicable resolution is reached, voting system is implemented in the Meeting through open voting system. 2. Shareholders were allowed to vote through Electronic General Meeting System KSEI (eASY.KSEI) provided by PT KUSTODIAN SENTRAL EFEK INDONESIA (“KSEI”). 3. Based on Article 11 paragraph 49 of the Company's Articles of Association and Article 47 of POJK 15/2020, shareholders with valid voting rights and have been present, both physically and electronically at the Meeting, but have not exercised their voting rights or abstained, are considered valid to attend the Meeting and cast the same vote as the majority of the voting shareholders by adding the said vote to the votes of the majority of the voting shareholders.
H. Voting results:
FIRST AGENDA OF THE MEETING: At the time of adopting the proposed resolutions for the first agenda of the Meeting, there were no shareholders and the proxy of the shareholders who raised objections (disagreed) or cast vote of abstinence, therefore the resolutions of the first agenda of the Meeting are taken by unanimous vote.
SECOND AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Disagree : 2.000 votes Abstain : 0 votes Therefore the total number of shareholders who agreed was 500.010.100 votes, which constitute 99,99% of the total number of valid votes cast, therefore the Meeting with the majority of votes decided to APPROVED to the proposed resolutions of the second agenda of the Meeting that had been submitted.
THIRD AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Disagree : 2.000 votes Abstain : 0 votes Therefore the total number of shareholders who agreed was 500.010.100 votes, which constitute 99,99% of the total number of valid votes cast, therefore the Meeting with the majority of votes decided to APPROVED to the proposed resolutions of the third agenda of the Meeting that had been submitted.
FOURTH AGENDA OF THE MEETING: At the time of adopting the proposed resolutions for the fourth agenda of the Meeting, there were no shareholders and the proxy of the shareholders who raised objections (disagreed) or cast vote of abstinence, therefore the resolutions of the fourth agenda of the Meeting are taken by unanimous vote.
FIFTH AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Disagree : 2.000 votes Abstain : 0 votes Therefore the total number of shareholders who agreed was 500.010.100 votes, which constitute 99,99% of the total number of valid votes cast, therefore the Meeting with the majority of votes decided to APPROVED to the proposed resolutions of the fifth agenda of the Meeting that had been submitted. I. Resolutions of the Meeting:
FIRST AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Approved and ratified the Annual Report for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021, which consists of: a. Report on the management of the Company by the Board of Directors and Report on the course of supervision of the Company by the Board of Commissioners during the financial year of 2021; b. Financial Statements and Balance Sheet and calculation of profit and loss for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021; thereby agree to grant full release and settlement (acquit et de charge) to the members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the management and supervisory actions they have taken during the financial year ended on December 31, 2021 as long as the actions are reflected in the Company's Annual Report and Financial Statements ended on December 31, 2021.
SECOND AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Determine the use of the Company's net profit for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021, amounted to Rp 1.599,675,921,- (one billion five hundred ninety nine million six hundred seventy five thousand nine hundred and twenty one Rupiah) for the development of the Company's business. and strengthening the capital structure so that no dividends are distributed to shareholders.
THIRD AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Grant authority and power to the Board of Commissioners of the Company to determine the salary and/or honorarium and/or other allowances for members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the financial year of 2022, the implementation of which will be adjusted to the applicable regulations.
FOURTH AGENDA OF THE MEETING: 1. Delegate the authority to appoint a Public Accountant who will audit the Company's financial statements for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022, to the Board of Commissioners of the Company in order to comply with applicable regulations and obtain a suitable Public Accountant, provided that the criteria for Public Accountants who can be appointed are Public Accountants who have audit experience in the Company's business activities, have adequate Human Resources and have independence. 2. Approved the granting of authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium and other reasonable requirements for the Public Accountant.
FIFTH AGENDA OF THE MEETING: Approved the change in the use of the proceeds from the Company's Public Offering, in which the funds amounted to Rp,- (five billion eighty three million Rupiah) or 13,83% (thirteen point eight three percent) of the proceeds from the Public Offering, which previously would be used for the purchase of machinery and installation services in Gorontalo, diverted to the purchase of machinery and installation services in the Morotai area.
Jakarta, July 22, 2022 PT ERA MANDIRI CEMERLANG Tbk Board of Directors of the Company